Case File 2018.06.19
Alex had secured a cheap hotel on the outskirts of the city to work in secret on his plan. Taking the risk that no one would know where he was over the potential chance of gaining information on Liam. He'd spent some time in silence meditating as best he good before he paused to just ask if Crowley could simply hear him. The old ghost teased in amusement at the expression on Alex's face that he'd apparently been observing while the other had been meditating. The spirit of Liam's former mentor had heard him and Alex didn't waste time in seeing if Crowley knew anything regarding Liam's current disappearance.
Crowley knew about Monty's recent power play against Liam. It wasn't common for a Senior Councilor to fall and the reputation of the individual currently on the 'most wanted list' kept much far bigger than him nervous. Alex showed the spirit the newspaper clipping of the house where the fire had taken place and the likely last trace any of them had to suspect Liam to be present at when the warning came in to Nedd. He confirmed that the house belonged to Kasimira Kemmler. He figured that Monty being the one putting the bounty out on Liam would have more info regarding his whereabouts. No one had publicly claimed to have taken Liam and given that for as many enemies as he had... he also had friends.
He points out to Alex that the money was more a statement to show how personal this was to the White King. It was more than they'd had information wise and while not ideal, it was a clear direction at finding Liam. Alex parted from Crowley's company, heading back for the Castle as quickly as possible to track down Rhea. It wasn't too hard, between her own searches, she was usually in one of a few places when taking a break-- this time he found her in the Castle lounge pacing and lost in thought.
He didn't waste any time at stating he'd gained some new information, but he also added that there was a price for it and bluntly phrased the terms of exchange for such info as to have her blindly agree to some deal. Already stressed and fustrated with the situation as it is, she didn't particularly care for this new game Alex was playing and pointed out that's not how this was going to work. Alex pressed, letting on about his concern about being left out of things if he straight up told her the info, but Rhea wasn't going to budge from her stance. Though she understood why he'd try to withold the information from her, everyone was worried, but this was not the way to ensure one was included. She laid out the facts that she'd no intention of excluding him and that it would probably be best for them all to pool their resources to help resolve this situation.
Alex, still wary, conceded and explained that his source of information had led him to point the direction of locating Liam back to going to Monty directly. Not exactly the info she'd wanted to hear, but signs had already started to lean that direction. He follows up that his idea would be to offer himself up for exchange of Liam, seeing as the issue is personal and Alex feels he was more responsible in the events surrounding Delilah's death. Rhea didn't like the idea at all, but Alex might have a bit more weight if some of his other parentage was known. Info that Monty may or may not have, depending. Regardless, the idea still wasn't good in her mind. Instead she suggested Alex to go rest and she'd start making some calls to arrange a meeting with the others so they could discuss the best way to react to this information.
It'd been a long enough day and Alex left Rhea to do her thing and attempt to rest. Though it didn't come easily to him and he eventually found himself back up and about, running into Ken at the Castle lounge. Ken could already tell that there was a bit weighing on Alex. Ken bluntly noted that he could tell something was going on and asked for the current state of events. He'd heard about Liam being missing but it was only now that they'd gotten a lead as to where to go in locating him. Alex felt a bit conflicted on what to say and what not to say, seeing from a different point of view now how his prior actions to get involved mirror Ken's situation. Causing him to want to warn the young man away from getting tangled up in the situation even though Ken points out that the repercussions of what was going on would affect him regardless. He couldn't really promise Ken much, but he'd back him if he wanted to get involved, even if he wasn't much of a fighter and perhaps better in other areas of support with his own talents.