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Current Events: (Intended to be updated regularly with the current goings on in our game.)
  • The War between the Red Court and the White Council is over.
  • While the world mourns its losses, the men and women on the side of good are struggling to pick up the pieces of their lives and reshape them into something approaching normalcy.
  • Things in the dark, meanwhile, are simply biding their time.
The following is a list of tidbits of information about magic and how it and magical creatures interact with the real world. I'll be adding to this list as I remember things... and hopefully, it will be comprehensive enough to allow players who know little about the Dresden Files to join in and fully enjoy the game.
If you don't already know about the magical world, then you don't get to know, according to the White Council. That is... most humans have no knowledge of the supernatural world really existing without being told by someone who has a link to that world.
McAnally's is a pub catering to the supernatural of all types. It is accorded neutral territory.
Magical creatures cannot cross a threshold without being invited. Even a mortal wizard needs an invite or he leaves most of his power at the door.
Magic and technology do not get along. The more high-tech a device, the more likely it is to fail around a wizard or practitioner. This does not extend to beings that are inherently magical, or inhuman.
A Circle helps a Wizard refine his magic, focus and direct it more clearly. It creates a sort of screen; defined by a perimeter keeping random magical energy from going past it. It can be drawn on the ground, made by several people holding hands, or a number of other methods. Then it's invested with a bit of energy to close the circuit.
Names have power. Knowing the Name of a magical creature, freely given from their own lips, affords you a measure of power over them, whether it be just to summon them, or to exert your will.
There are many different types of vampires, werewolves, and other magical creatures. Each has a particular weakness that can be exploited. (More coming soon.)
Vampire Weaknesses
  • Red Court: Sunlight, Symbols of Faith, cutting open their bellies. They have a narcotic venom in their saliva that is highly addictive and allows them to control their victims. It gives their prey a euphoric feeling, while numbing pain receptors in the brain. They are extremely fast, strong, and deceptive. 
  • White Court: It depends on the type of White Court Vampire you are dealing with.

  • Black CourtGarlic, Symbols of Faith, Sunlight, all the classics. 

  • Jade Court: Not applicable... We don't know enough about these types of vampires... In fact, they are no more than a rumor.


Werewolf Weaknesses

  • Loup-GarouInherited silver only; anything else will only piss it off. Highly dangerous, impervious to harm, mindless, killing machines. 

  • Lycanthrope: Usual weapons; humans which harbor a spirit of rage, heal very fast. They are strong, fast, and ferocious. 

  • Werewolves: Usual weapons; Humans who can shapeshift to wolf form. Have all the capabilities of a normal wolf.

  • Hexenwulf: Removal of their talisman, usual weapons; Humans who use black magic to shapeshift into a large wolf form, have no inhibition or impulse control.


White Council

  • The Merlin is the leader of the White Council of Wizards, beneath him are the other 6 members of the Senior Council.

  • The Wardens are the police and military branch of the White Council.

  • Breaking any of the Seven Laws of Magic can, and usually does, result in death.


Faeries and the Sidhe

  • Faeries cannot tell a lie, but neither will they give straight responses to any statement
    asked of them. 

  • They cannot resist tempting humans into bargains or deals.

  • They cannot stand any proximity to iron. Bringing it into the Nevernever is an exceptionally
    bad idea. 

  • The Sidhe are creatures of extreme power and magical ability.

  • There are two main Courts among the Sidhe, the Seelie (Summer) And the Unseelie (Winter); there are legends of old however which tell of two lesser courts, comprised only of one singular Queen; Spring (Formerly governed by Gloriana) and Autumn (Formerly governed by Belphoebe).


IRC based FFRPG based within the World created by Jim Butcher in his series The Dresden Files.

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