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Case File 2018.06.01

The Castle's current guest, Nedd, was still taking her time at getting acquainted with the place while awaiting for her mother to escort her home to safety. As her mother is currently out on a campaign, it will still be some time before Nedd can return home. She took advantage of the time to recover in the Castle's study, warming herself by the firelight.

Rhea was seated at the kitchen, a meal from Mac's only half eaten, as she spent time working on one of her journals. She'd lost track of time before noticing Liam entering the room to join her. He'd kept busy that she had yet to broach the subject matter from Lachlan and Raina's visit to the Castle's front door the other day. As much as she didn't like to break into the brief moments he got to relax, it was important to keep him up to speed. Plus, it was part of her job, even if she was at times awkward about that fact.

Liam had been given a brief moment to settle in at the kitchen table before Rhea informed him of Lachlan's and Raina's visit. It'd been some time since she'd seen the young woman and at some point she had an unfortunate counter with a Red that resulted in her having the tattoo markings the Fellowship use to assist one with maintaining self control over themselves. Lachlan had introduced Raina as a new trainee and had made a request from Rhea for some aid, such as a safe training spot or other resources.

After taking a moment to digest the information, the fact still remains that Raina is already subject to influence by the Red Court despite the tattoos help. Training someone like that would be dangerous, and should she turn, then it would hand the Reds a weapon against the Council. That wasn't something they could be a part of, but Liam notes they wouldn't interfere with his training of the young woman. Though if she breaks any of the Laws, it'll be dealt with just like as per usual Council business. That appeared to table the discussion on that matter, Lachlan probably wouldn't be pleased with the news, but Rhea could see the logic in this case.

With the matter discussed she'd thought that would be it, but Liam had taken to looking for something else in the kitchen. He'd returned with a pair of shot glasses and bottle of liquor in hand, pouring for them both. They hadn't yet paused to speak about it, the loss of an ally and an asset in the war against the Reds. Ramirez had been a one man army in his own right and in the end made the choice to sacrifice himself for the mission. The two shared a shot to honor and salute the Warden Alvaro Ramirez. Rhea took comfort in the gesture of support Liam gave before leaving to check on their guest. It was a reminder that throughout all these incidents, she's not the only one going through them, and because of Ramirez she has the chance to continue on like the rest he'd saved that day with his sacrifice.

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