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Case File 2018.02.14

Having to do any kind of shopping the day before Valentine's Day was less than ideal for Rhea. All the last minute shoppers trying to pick through what was on the shelves for their "someone special" by show of plush gift or an overabundance of sweets. The sponsored by Halmark holiday irritated her, especially since she needed to pick up a few supplies within that chaos. The only thing she was looking forward to was the day after-- the day when all the remaining chocolate got a deep discount of 50% or more just to clear the pink and red colored packages out of the shops.

Perhaps it was her irritation with having to be out in that mess in the first place that clouded her thoughts to the point of distraction...or her abductor was just that good. Regardless, she was unaware of the gut feeling of wrongness hitting her until it was too late. She barely felt the needle sink into her neck before the world around her dissolved into blackness. She eventually woke to the sound of hooves striking pavement and The White King, Monty, sitting across from her in a horse drawn carriage. This was his way of inviting her to 'deal' with a matter involving Wanderland and it's current state of imbalance. Something that he'd seen fit to drug, wizard-nap and drag her back to Vegas...leaving its survival resting on her shoulders.

Elsewhere, far from the neon lights of The Strip... Alex had spent his time working with a song he'd been piecing together. Adjusting to life after Delilah...and after much that'd happened since the days of the cross country road trip. Unaware of the role reversal of how now Rhea had gone missing, ending up in city of Las Vegas...drawn into trouble surrounding Wanderland once more.

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