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Case File 2018.01.17

Rhea hadn’t been expecting anyone to visit since all was quiet at the apartment, but at the same time she should have figured that Lachlan would be back around her place. Hearing movement at the door and for a moment set on guard, she opened the door and found the man trying to slide a card and leave a pie box by her door. Amused that he wouldn’t try to knock first, Rhea invited him in for tea and a piece of the pie he’d brought. He looked as if he didn’t bother to do more than stop and pick up something after finishing his work before arriving to the apartment, Lachlan still had trace injuries that he didn’t appear to notice for the moment. He apologized for interrupting her morning but stated as they settled down at the kitchen table that he’d wanted to bring by something to show thanks for the help Rhea had provided, given her own past encounters. His reference to her past doesn’t settle well with her attempt to eat, it’s not that she figured those incidents of her chaotic time were classified, but it still stung a bit to have it mentioned. Lachlan stated he’d heard from Sara and that the young woman was adjusting— he wanted to leave a copy of the letter he’d received in correspondence and some money to replace the damaged furniture within the apartment. It seemed the pie was more the part of thanks, something homemade that his mother taught him. That fact slipped out when inquiring on the tea she’d made, something she’d blended herself…a habit inspired by her own mother. There was a shadow in Lachlan’s look, remembering something one didn’t want to…Rhea knew it all too well from personal experience. The conversation died off, leaving them to quietly finish tea and pie before Lachlan quickly excused himself to return home and attempt rest, even if it would be restless from the memories that stirred. She could tell this life found him as unexpectedly as her own, Rhea watched and politely smiled as he left. There were other things that needed to be done today, so after finishing her cleaning in the kitchen, Rhea headed out for a few errands and the Castle.

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