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Case File 2017.12.07

Ken had been trying to look into the information regarding his odd talent after their prior conversation. Without the proper direction in the first place the best he was able to come up with were a mix of books talking about "discovering psychic powers" from a public library or bookstore. He was seated at a table in Mac's reading when Liam found him and came to make an introduction, as well as to learn more about this new practitioner. Ken provided a general glimpse into his life and information regarding the incident as to how he'd run into Rhea previously-- further confirming events from her report of that night. Liam wasn't certain where it was suspected that the Reds could have ghosts working for them-- while spirits could be bound there was little gain and it would require someone with talents to do seemed more like an odd chance encounter. Ken tried to play off the near death incident that he'd stumbled in on before Rhea had extracted him from the crossfire, but the man genuinely wanted to know more about what was going on with him. Liam pointed out that the books Ken had collected in his current attempt to learn more about hearing or seeing spirits were basically useless and tried to provide him some information. Though it also lead Ken to concerns that his home might need an exorcism or something now. Liam didn't seem too alarmed to the point where that was likely to be needed but suggested that Ken either ignore the spirit or talk to her-- made of his grandmother's memories...if the two had a good relationship he probably wouldn't have much to worry about at all. Before Liam stood to leave, he wrote down the address of the Castle on a slip of paper and handed it to Ken-- telling the man to come by around noon to discuss basics with him. It would be a start.

It was a little time after Alex had been found in the lounge taking more rum after his search among Liam's things in the study. Liam found him in the lounge, aware that Alex had been hunting around his things even as he was handed a drink of whiskey. Alex, regardless of if his actions could be rationalized as right or not, explained the frustration of not knowing more about his parents-- especially now since it was close to his birthday even if he wasn't certain which day that was yet. Liam countered that while he may have answers, they wouldn't take away the pain and the more that he knew could hurt him or others. That just upset Alex more as he could point out that asking was only going to get him just this reaction-- to which Liam counters that the impulsive need to go behind his back and look through his belongings didn't leave him with assurance of trusting information that would potential risk the lives of others just in knowing. With a brief pause from the conversation, Liam noted that he'd spoken with Ken earlier and the man would be around tomorrow to learn some basics. It didn't do much to quell the anger at being called impulsive, but Alex appreciated knowing the other man would get some help. Ending the conversation to leave the two to deal with the rest of the night as they would alone.

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