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Case File 2017.11.11

Elena continued the conversation with Asher as she cooked. The most that he'd been up to he didn't particularly call trouble, thought he had recently performed an exorcism last week-- just differently than the way the Church conducts them. He didn't use the methods like the Church would have provided him...a rite or such, Asher had drawn on something within him. Soul fire...if that was the proper name, regardless it was something he just knew how to use now. It was still draining to use the power, and Buddy had only been half helpful with ideas on how to recover from that. From the way Asher was acting, Elena had a pretty clear idea what ideas the doll had stated to him. The power of Hellfire he'd known and this other power he now possessed were conflicting ideas at best...and something he didn't want to dwell on for the moment. Elena could sense the discomfort the thought was bringing to mind and shifted the conversation elsewhere. She brought up Thanksgiving, it was around the corner, wondering if he'd currently had plans. Mentioning that Rhea wanted to do a big dinner at the Castle and if he was free and didn't mind...possibly helping to cook. It didn't really take much convincing as the two enjoyed dinner and the rest of the evening together. He'd leave the idea of asking about Buddy also joining for that dinner until later, he'd developed an odd relationship with the doll but being could be crude at times.

After warming herself up from the chill weather with a bit of exercise and a shower, Rhea had opted to curl up by the fire with some tea. Indecisive of what to do for the moment, but finding some compromise in relaxing by the fireplace for a moment this evening. It was perhaps moments before Liam had stepped in through the door and gave a brief wave as he was making his way past the lounge. She'd noticed him and slipped from her chair to catch Liam before he'd gotten too far away-- there was something she'd wanted to ask him...and now was as good a time as any. Liam was patient as she managed to ramble out her thought at improving her abilities at magics that affect the mind, and she wasn't talking about illusions. She didn't take offense to being half teased about being rubbish with illusions-- it wasn't her forte, not like her healing. Her poor attempt at a joke to lighten the mood earned her a look, but the two was start working on practice with mind magic and make her less of a target. She'd returned to her seat by the fire as Liam continued on the way up to his room.

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