Case File 2017.04.06
Wanderland: The Colosseum
Unknown in full to Alex as he stepped in that ring, the man known as LaDragos was not just a thorn in his side since that night in Zero, but also his father. Once Sterling gave the announcement, LaDragos sprung into action at making the first move in this fight. Poor Alex, even with the strength on loan that allowed him to join Kismet’s table that night, he was still at a disadvantage. His body had yet the proper time to mend fully and the other man was in perfect shape, which was evident as the course of the fight broke even more bones and drove him to the sandy ground. Just as it looked like LaDragos would finish the young man off in front of Delilah, a voice called out to challenge ‘double or nothing’ regarding the outcome of the unfinished fight. Liam was still in no real shape to fight, but he was mobile enough. Unable to lose face at the public challenge LaDragos accepts. The match would now be Alex and Liam versus LaDragos.
Even in a two-to-one fight…LaDragos was still in top performance while the other two were doing good to stand under their own strength. Liam tells Alex to buy him time, taking the lead in this fight until the opportunity to strike opens up for him. That moment came when by chance Alex and LaDragos briefly lock into a Soulgaze and see each other on another level. Whatever it was that LaDragos saw gave him pause to question his actions, the hesitation would cost him his life— Liam took that moment to strike and break the man’s neck. In the flickering moment that gaze between them took place, Alex learned he was fighting his father…his protest for Liam to stop came too late. There was no telling what emotions and thoughts filled the young man’s mind as he demands to know if Liam knew, a fact that apparently was revealed as only recently. Liam takes one of the power tokens to hand it to Alex, stating for him to let Rhea take him home. Stubborn, and dealing with who knows what from the span of mere moments in the Colosseum, he responds back to Liam he wouldn’t leave without Delilah.
Meaning, he would have to continue the game at Kismet’s Table, for Alex’s sake at keeping a promise made to the Raith White Court Vampire. It wasn’t until the remaining players settled back in place at the table to continue the game where things took another interesting turn. The Red Lady, seated and quietly observant, finally revealed herself as she pushed the bet at Kismet's Table to another Challenge— as her hood fell away the red hair of the Autumn Queen, Wren, turns waiting for Liam’s answer. That answer was one of revenge, even as he stated meet...Liam stood to take up a gun from one of LaDragos’ men, pointing the barrel at Wren. Sterling tried to stop him, the rules of Wanderland were quite clear but they did not deter him from pulling the trigger on that gun which killed the Autumn Queen. Leaving the balance of power in that place unmade as Kismet’s Table broke in half.