Case File 2017.04.05
Wanderland: Kismet’s Table
A curious collection of individuals had gathered tonight at Kismet’s Table. Outside of Alex himself, as he finally made his way there, he found the following at the table: LaDragos, The Red Lady, Gwen Teller, Singh, an unknown dark skinned woman and then Liam Winchester himself. Of course while Alex wasn’t looking to be around welcome company with LaDragos at the table…he hadn’t been expecting Liam to be present, but the look of displeasure from his new teacher brought a smirk to his face. The game at Kismet’s Table was a simple game of chance with dice. Each player would cast their three dice and see a value from 1 through 5 and X. X having no value and the highest value winning the round. Each round players would get a chance to Yield, Meet or Challenge. To Yield is to fold and Meet to place the same wager— a Challenge however would raise the wager. The game plays out fairly modest at first, Gwen folding and calling it a night a few rounds in and reducing the 7 original players down by one. The ongoing game at the table goes back and forth until Alex and LaDragos both draw on a cast— a tie must be resolved immediately. LaDragos had no hesitation in calling Challenge and Alex rose to the occasion himself, meeting that Challenge with one of his own. With that Sterling announces at the table that both Alex and LaDragos will meet each other in The Colosseum. The irony of the fight not lost on the host of Wanderland as this fight would be between father and son.