Case File 2017.03.14
In the Wildcard cells, time passes by without a clear way to mark it short of meal times. Since his first fight, Alex was making the best of his time to recover from the damage the vampire Calder did to his physical body. Delilah had done good work in tending to his injuries, plus the painkillers she'd slipped him were a bonus. His cell mate Lucky Ed drew Alex from his own rest and meditation to congratulate him on the win. One down, two to go... It seemed clear as night and day that the vampire was a monster, so his death was a bit more justified, but it left a question that even Ed paused at: What if the two of them are matched up to fight? That thought made the other go still before coming back with a laugh that he wouldn't go easy on Alex. He only had one more match to write his ticket, he couldn't afford to just drop it all now. Even if his cell mate appeared to be a decent sort. Certainly Delilah thought he was something. Feeling a bit chatty, and welcome of the friendly company given the situation-- Alex realizes he can't afford to play hero, but he'd do what he could if possible to lend Ed a hand. Delilah was still the focal point of his original task, but he couldn't tell anyone about that. The light-hearted tone gradually fades as Alex probes Ed about his own matches. He wouldn't state specficially, but confirms that it's just the luck of the draw on who you get paired up could be a first timer going up against one that needs that second or third win. It doesn't always go well...and the first time is always a stacked bet against you. A 50/50 shot the second time around...and who knows at the third... Not all the Wildcards are are monsters, but a lot of them have an attitude-- given being stuck in cells and randomly paired off for the amusment of others, it's a bit difficult to keep one's spirits up in a place like this. With that, the conversation ends, leaving both to their own thoughts and to get some rest for the night...or day...or whatever time it was now.
In the meantime, it'd been three days since Rhea had last been ambushed by her apprentice. That was definately unusual for Alex, even if he had decided to float between herself and Lucas to pry at what the two of them combined knew...and it seemed no one had seen Alex recently. Like he'd vanished into thin air-- that just made the worry deepen. There were those favors owed to the Winter Queen of all people... Reaching out to Kerbee, a contact she'd worked with occasionally, the two were able to call up a dewdrop fairy to inquire on any Alex sightings. She was contemplating on perhaps expanding her own methods of contacts-- seeing as Liam had passed on this much to Kerbee...and then TinKERBEll nearly drove her to yelling at the literal responses. Eventually, while managing to keep her calm, Rhea was able to gather info surrounding her student. The chain of small fairies Tink had spoken with confirmed that the last sighting of Alex was him being taken away from one of Monty's buildings. No follow up questions yielded additional info, but at least there was a clue...and a new suspect to question, Monty Raith.