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Several steps down lead to the the main room, colored in tones of earth browns and sea green. Items and structural parts are arranged around the number thirteen. Thirteen wooden pillars, elaborately carved with scenes out of Old World fairy tales. Thirteen windows surround the room as thirteen tables haphazardly scattered throughout the surrounding free space. The bar itself is crooked with thirteen stools. Overhead in the combination of low ceilings are thirteen ceiling fans that lazily spin. The entire place designed to diffuse and refract random magical energies that often gather around practitioners, who are most of its clientele. In McAnally’s pub and grill, there’s no service people. According to Mac, if you can’t get up and walk over to pick up your own order, you don’t need to be there at all.


Things to Do at McAnally's

  • Drink Mac's Ale

  • Eat Steak Sandwich

  • Try the Lemonade


McAnally's Pub

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